Sunday, June 22, 2014

6/22/14 Road Work

Crossing through Tornado Alley with some very unsettled weather became a game of chance. 

We left Hebron, Ohio after a visit to a giant basket that is the corporate headquarters for Longaberger, which according to the locals, has fallen on hard times. Hard times or not, that basket is huge and presented a very bizarre photo op!

We took some smaller roads west, passing Bob Evans headquarters - down on the farm, of course. Then back onto 70 to run ahead of the rain. Lunch was a rest stop picnic in Indiana. The day was heating up and so were we. At Indianapolis, we turned northwest onto route 74. Racing into Illinois, we set our sights on Champaign. The Drury Hotel is our stop for the night and one of our favorites. Friendly staff and a complimentary Happy Hour make this chain the best. 

Huge storms are popping up all around us now. To the south, tornado warnings are being posted. We're in for some heavy weather tonight, but are safe and dry in our lovely hotel. Today we rode hard, but it was all good! The things that made me happiest were seeing a cool old dude in a cool old car, staying dry all day and that giant basket!

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