Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Dragon Meets The Bear

Each day is the best day. Today was better...

Beartooth called us as it has in the past. A mountain pass that draws you to the sky by twisting the essence out of your machine, it has never greeted us as it did today. Heading into Red Lodge we avoided looking at the dark clouds that hung over the peaks heavy with snow. Last week the pass was closed, because of a late snowstorm. 

Double layered with most of the clothes we brought with us, we headed up route 212, the highway to heaven. Sentinel pines lined our way until they gave way to altitude and alpine tundra. Wild flowers and grass struggled with the elements. Then the snow. Teasing us at every traverse, glacial phenomena danced in the sun then melted into pillows of dark rain clouds. 

As we climbed to the summit, frigid air accompanied by awesome wind chills, drove the temperature toward freezing. Added to this, precipitation, some drizzle, some flurries, stung our faces while we leaned over edges and watched the world miles below. But our dragon has wings and the bear only has teeth, so we flew through banks of snow, slick roads and switchbacks. At the top, another biker asked how we arrived through all that weather with the bike so clean. Jules' answer - dragons fly!

At 36 degrees, our descent began with sleet, but then that improbable blue western sky opened up and we were good to Yellowstone. Then the next blast roared between the peaks and we paused in a cafe for shelter.

Yellowstone was mild. We cruised through the north end, seeing bear, buffalo and antelope. Warmed by the sun, we ate lunch by the river and basked in the glory of our amazing day.

Up into Montana, rain constantly harassed the horizon. Never soaked, but always in rain gear we ended the day in Livingston, where we were treated to a sunset that only this state can paint. 

This day was a gift. Every day we ride is a wonder, but today, conquering the power of nature into the heights of geological mystery, life just got notched up a bit.


Skiing in June

Just snow!

The tooth of the bear

It actually bottomed out at 36!

A bear from afar


Running Yellowstone


The sun sets on a perfect day

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