Sunday, June 29, 2014

6/29/14 Feel The Wind

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." Today we adjusted our sails and heeled into the wind.

Reluctant to leave the treasure we found in the  Livingston Inn, we dragged our boots getting back on the road. Temperatures in the low 50's forced us into double layers again, but the warm sun promised us a strip down later. Not so on this Montana day.

 Wheeling out of Livingston on 89, we were assaulted by one of the fiercest crosswinds we've ever encountered. Gusts of up to 50 mph ripped across the open plains, bullying, but never defeating us. Jules wrangled our ride, jousting with the wind at every turn. One of the most fatiguing road issues, we faced the music and sang and danced.

Turning west onto route 12, the crosswind became a headwind, and started to suck our gas. Starting the day with more than enough to get to Helena, we now weren't sure if we could make it to the next town, thirty miles away. As we rose from the valley into the mountains, we held our breath at every rise in elevation as the needle dropped below empty. Finally on a descent, we cruised cautiously, skidding into Townsend on the prayer of fumes. 

Gassed up, fat and happy, we found a sheltered spot for lunch where we could take off our hoods and enjoy the sound of the gentle Missouri instead of the ripping wind. The dichotomy of the intensity of our ride and the peacefulness of our stop, lulled us as we basked in the sun. The wine and cheese fortified us for the next foray into Montana. 

Through Helena, we rode in 74 degrees. The surrounding mountains sheltered us from the wind and the thought occurred that the day was shaping up. Then the sign appeared : " Chain Up Area". This is a sure indication that you are in for some altitude, great riding and temperature drops. From 74, we hit 49 at the summit of Macdonald Pass. The exhilarating ride to the top and the ear popping descent was worth the chill.

Reluctantly we left our side road to jump on route 90. We hit Missoula at 4:00 and opted for an early dismount, fatigued from the constant wind. How lucky we are - the minute we checked into the lobby of our fireplace warmed hotel, the skies opened up.

We took advantage of our early landing by doing wash and enjoying a soak in a hot tub framed by an indoor waterfall. Dinner at a pub with authentic Irish food and a bottle of wine capped the day. For hours wind fought us, but we thrilled in the battle and gloried in our victory, toasting our success.

A windy road

A wind blown prairie log cabin

Lunch by the Missouri

Montana sky

Note: Not too many pics today! I couldn't hold the camera up into the wind....

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