Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7/1/14 The Big Tease

Homework is important!

Rascal made her trip to the Harley doctor bright and early, but not early enough to beat two bikes there before  her, waiting for repairs. I busied myself at the hotel, waiting for Jules. It was past noon when we pulled out, saying good-bye to a great hotel, the C'mon Inn.

Excited to be heading toward Glacier and the Going to the Sun Road, we were teased by its startling white peaks, even though we were still 150 miles away. Every turn provided a new view. First we were riding toward the mountains, then in the valley beside them. A crystal Montana sky backed the snowy peaks as ranches and cattle provided the foreground.

After struggling up RV clogged route 93, we veered off and took the less traveled route to the park. Running along the east side of Flathead Lake on route 35, we were able to relax into the day. The largest lake west of the Mississippi, Flathead guided us north for miles. Yellow Bay State Park served as our picnic spot. Sitting by the placid waters, we relished the gift of this perfect day.

At 4:00, we stopped in Columbia Falls at our home for the night, the Western Inn.  We thought we'd make a quick run into the park, but after booking our room, we heard that Going To The Sun was not open yet due to 20 inches of snow that fell last week. So disappointed, we blamed ourselves for not researching the park opening. The road probably won't be open until the Fourth, but we will be moving on.

Ignoring this setback, we made the most of the rest of the day by dining al fresco with the company of mountains, then taking a little side trip up a deserted road.  We will revisit this trip tomorrow when the light is not failing and the temperature dropping. Back at our hotel we watched as the sun set over the mountains, spewing oranges and reds into the azure sky. At 10:30, darkness finally arrived and we settled in for the night.

A lesson was learned today. As we wander across the country, nothing is ever certain. But when delays and disappointment block our way, we turn the other cheek to the wind and find a better route.

Rascal is ready as we leave the C'mon Inn


Bridge for animals to cross the highway

Flathead Lake

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