Sunday, July 20, 2014

7/19/14 The Debate

Should we or shouldn't we? To swelter or not to swelter? That is the question.

As we waited to retrieve Rascal, we scrutinized the weather map. Itching to get off the coast, we debated whether or not to face the intense heat of the valley, reaching 103 at our desired destination, Red Bluff. We wanted to visit Lassen, a volcano we've never seen, so we put on sun tan lotion, dressed in layers and got ready to meet the heat. Then a few words from a local biker - " We only run that road in the fall. It's too hot now! "- had us rethinking our decision.  Realizing that we could continue to ride our constant friend, Route 1, see more magnificent redwoods, and stay in moderate temperatures, we opted out of the oven.

Up the road a piece, near Orick, we took a side trip into the Lady Bird Johnson Grove. Another sanctuary for redwoods, the trees flourish in the fog and chill climate. Also a refuge for elk, we saw several herds grazing majestically. Lunch under the feathery shade of an ancient stand gave us an extra day to say goodbye.

Our fear of "going coastal" with too much time here was allayed, and we were pleased with our decision to hang in the fog. The receptionist at our hotel for the night said that she had lived in the redwoods her whole life and had taken them for granted. Now, with tourists coming from around the world to soak in the beauty of the only remaining forests of these trees on the planet, her interest in them has been revitalized.

In our travels, Jules and I have often wondered that if you live in a place long enough, will you become inured to its beauty. Do the people who live in the ranch overlooking the snowy peaks of the Cascades wake up each morning with a song in their hearts? I know that a South Jersey sunrise over our farm can still bring tears to my eyes.

A patch of fog

Lady Bird Grove


The Golden Bear of Klamath

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