Wednesday, July 23, 2014

7/23/14 So Spoiled

So I don't wear a sun bonnet, a long dress and many layers of underclothes. I am also riding at high speeds with a bit of cooling from the wind and not walking beside my wagon under this grueling sun. How can I complain when pioneer women endured this territory, full of unknowns and little recompense. One of the reasons the Donner Party failed to cross the Sierras before winter was because they got bogged down in the salt flats. I am spoiled. 

After carving our way through the smog and traffic of Salt Lake, we found trees and fresh air on route 190 through the canyon. Zionesque walls of geological history, telling the story of the ancient sea that once covered this area, lined the road. Each breath was like a cool drink from a mountain stream after the stifling atmosphere of the valley. 

With the elevatation came a myriad of ski slopes sculpted into the mountains. Always studying the map, Jules had found the Guardsman Pass. A road made for skiers, it took us on a ride equal to any black diamond slope. Unprepared for this adventure, I harangued my ever stalwart husband with curses and tears as we careened on a one lane pitted road up to some of the most beautiful views that I actually managed to enjoy. And yes, it was a real road and we landed in Park City, surrounded by condos and too much civilization. Again, my guide, my hero, managed to terrify and excite me with the path that he had chosen.

Route 40 ( yes, the same one that runs all the way to the Jersey Shore) was the next leg of our journey and it headed us through rolling green hills into the desert. Lunch at Starvation State Park on the Starvation Reservoir caught us sitting with faces into the lake's breeze, watching speed boats show off their rooster tails.  Aptly named, pioneers who attempted to settle in this area (why?) encountered cruel winters and impossible growing seasons. 

The afternoon furnace booted up as we left our lunch. Riding through the basin afforded little entertainment and plenty of BTUs. Water bottle after water bottle clued us that it was time to end the day. We parked in Vernal, not quite making it to Colorado, but glad for shelter from the heat. This town's claim to fame is that many remains of dinosaurs have been found here. I heard they died of an elevation in temperature.

Every day that we are on the road writes a new memory for us. Inscribed in my mind will forever be today's ski slope thrill, our blue lake picnic, and maybe the pink dinosaur at the entrance to Vernal. I refuse to remember the heat.

Out of SLC


Park City

Picnic entertainment 

Vernal, UT

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