Wednesday, July 30, 2014

7/30/14 Friends

When the stars align, anything is possible.

Rain soothed us to sleep and woke us up with the harsh reality that we were destined to ride in it. Our original plan for a route though Kansas was blocked by a huge red and green blob on the radar. So we headed north on 76 to avoid it, but mostly in the hope that we could meet up with some very dear friends. 

Flashback to three years ago. On a motorcycle cruise to the Caribbean, we met some of the most beautiful people we have ever known : Rob and Robin, Dale and Lorraine from Canada, and Jeff and Kim from Iowa. Numerous attempts to meet up again over the past years have fallen short. But today the cards played in our favor. Emails, Facebook posts and finally a phone call brought some of us together, when a riding group with Rob, Jeff and Kim collided with us at the border of Colorado as we rode east and they rode west. For two very short hours we renewed friendships and made new ones,  ate fried chicken and laughed together all over again in Julesberg, CO. It was golden!

As they rode off to the west to jump into mountain glory, we shouldered into Nebraska on route 80 for a long hike. In reality, it was far more interesting than I had imagined. The scale of farming is incredible and for us, every tractor, farm, irrigation system is an event. We were excited to see haystacks, something from the past. Tractor trailers carrying farm equipment and hay ruled the highway and immaculate, well-farmed cornfields lined the road. Not a bad ride!

Ending our day in Grand Island, we ate dinner surrounded by everything Husker. As soon as you enter this state it is made very apparent that there is only one thing in a Nebraskan's life - football. Every gas station and rest stop flaunts Red. I couldn't help but get the fever while here. 

A day that started out as a grind through pioneer territory, became another highlight on our trip. How wonderful to cross paths with friends from another adventure as we end this one and they continue a new one. Perhaps sometime in the future we will travel together again, but for now, today was an added gift to our growing stash of memories.

Kim and Jeff with their awesome Victory - photo bombed by Rob.


So who is this town's namesake?

All you can eat fried chicken?



Corn as far as you can see!

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