Sunday, July 20, 2014

7/20/14 Dog Days of Summer

The Pacific released us from its cool undertow today and spewed us out into the heat of the valley.

We took the plunge! For about twenty minutes, gloves, leather and seat heat were a necessity as we rode off the coast back onto 199. Riding toward Grants Pass again, the heat rose and we husked clothes. Heat is inevitable here, but we were trying to squeak through at 90. A change for us, we rode through cloudless skies with warm wind in our faces. Warm became hot and so did we.

Then, a sight to equal any, took our minds off  our bodies. A motorcycle with a full grown Golden Retriever on the back zoomed past us. Anxious to see more, we sped to catch up. Two very happy riders, the goggled dog and his owner smiled for us as we pulled next to them. With the wind blowing his coat, his tail wagging and his tongue lolling happily, this amazing dog rode solidly as a passenger. Living it way better than the pooches that just get to stick their heads out of the windows of cars, this was one happy dog. 

We were road buddies with them for miles and it was equally entertaining watching the reactions of the people rolling by in cages. Some were smiling, some were shocked and others barely raised an eyebrow. At Grants Pass, we veered away from man and his best friend and jumped on the 5. As the mercury bumped 100 we pulled into Medford, where we looked for hotels. In for the night by 3:00, we chilled out in the luxury of the pool. 

The highlight of the day was our ride with the dog. He epitomized the euphoria and freedom that we feel on the bike as our hair blows in the wind. If we had tails, we would wag them.

Back along the Smith River

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